220 Open Daily games
7 Open Realtime games

Rating distribution for Templaribus


Mon 15th Jan 01:08
Gunslinger rated  Perfect
The colours and graphics are beautiful! The game mechanics are quite unique!

Great for having a rest from those giant boards strategically complex. If your opponent is a quick player then even better because the game is fast and fun.

I initially thought that the board just wasn't perfect due to the importance of the luck factor right at the beginning. However, a few dozen games later, I witnessed many matches in which those who started badly managed to recover and won the game.

I've also seen games where someone won by the minimum difference of one unit (one last smoking bullet)! And I could narrate here other fantastic adventures witnessed on this board!...

The shooting part is amusingly cinematic! The cowboy will bleed, take a while to fall, the camera will give a close-up in his dizzy eyes looking at the ruthless burning sun, he will say one last word and a song by Morricone will start to play! ;)

It's a truly exciting board!
Ideal for tournaments!
Always perfect for duels!
#12 of 12
Wed 6th Sep 20:05
Africa rated  Perfect
If this could become a better board, I frankly cannot see show. It is absolutely PERFECT!!! The hordes bonus are a great fit to a big continent like Africa plenty of countries and all with so many different sizes. Playing with no cards offers you a rest from those often useless fights only to earn a card. The caps of 15 units in each territory added to the limited number of attacks (remember you can always choose the "T" button if needed) brings the flavour of unique and creative strategies. I have even tried all kinds of fog (also without fog at all) and the game dynamics keeps exciting! Just to avoid being ganged up I recommend Total fog (few players) or Heavy fog (more than 3 players). Also very suitable for tournaments. PERFECT board!!!
#11 of 12
Wed 7th Jun 22:38
New Earth rated  Perfect
In New Earth, the idea of a distant planet that could be colonized by human beings is especially interesting, all the more so because of its contemporaneity. Considering we are making Earth uninhabitable, we may really need a new planet to live on! In a sense, the idea at the root of this board reflects the apocalyptic spirit of our times, while at the same time giving us hope.

Finding food in the oceans, which we receive through factories, is a great idea that leads us to the desire to expand in order to be able to nourish a growing population of settlers with calories. Get rid of hunger! After a few rounds, you'll find that you've amassed a sizable number of troops in the coastal territories. You will only need to meticulously plan their transfer to the front line, managing well the two fortifies you are entitled to.

For me justice is very important! Some boards are born from good ideas but unfortunately result in unbalanced maps and unfair matches in which certain areas of the board automatically guarantee the victory to whoever occupies them. M57 always manages to overcome this challenge with his very accurate boards. In New Earth, no matter what position your troops start the game in, all outcomes are possible. Uncertainty is awesome!

In the first round, the number of reserves that each player receives is reduced proportionally, which contributes to a fair start to the match.

This board is so perfect! It is difficult to conceive of a board that lends itself to balanced games in all settings. Some work well with a few players, but not so well with many. Others work well with some types of fog, but not with all.

M57 produced an extraordinarily versatile map here! I have successfully tried many dozens of games with all types of fog (including no fog), with any number of players (from minimum to maximum), even with disputes between teams (whether two or more), and all variations, whatever they may be, produce balanced games where luck and strategy are fairly combined. No matter what you choose, there's always a perfect fit for your way of playing. Win or lose, gaming satisfaction is guaranteed!

As a tip, I would just mention that it is important to pay attention to the detail that the west-east edges of the board connect (as if you were on a real planet that you can go around!). It's possible to attack your opponents and, if you're not careful, be attacked that way.
Play and have fun!
#10 of 12
Wed 4th Jan 14:43
The Butter Battle rated  Perfect
Incredible how a simple-looking gameplay can lead to so many ways of winning (and losing haha)!!! I've played many times and so far see no way of getting bored. Very fun board! The designer found a very creative way of bringing action to those expressive drawings by Seuss.
When playing this, you need to pay attention to the 3 attacks and 1 fortify rules. Be creative, try to anticipate your opponent moves and take risks!
#9 of 12
Wed 14th Dec 21:45
Pirates of the Caribbean rated  Perfect
With any type of fog or no fog at all, for few or many players, with or without vision from the ships, this is another awesome map by Ozyman, the designer who is already a legend!
I've played countless times on this board and even losing almost all of them to the point of having a miserable rank (LOL), I always had fun, each game is unique, providing a new and different excitment!
Still I keep hope: one day my pirates will prevail! Haha
#8 of 12
Mon 18th Apr 22:19
Of Kings and Men rated  Superb
I wish I play better here. This board is very immersive. It is so beautiful, the drawings are so perfect, the rules are so unique (e.g. you offer 50% spoils to the eliminator after losing your last castle)!...
I really wish I play better on this SUPERB board!
Anyway, whoever plays here will have lots of fun :)
#7 of 12
Mon 18th Apr 21:23
Hoarding LEGO rated  Perfect
Very easy to win, very easy to lose.
Clever and colourful horde style!
This board is like a toy, no complex calculations, the perfect light snack between big meals (more complex bigger boards).
Pay attention to some key-rules: back to attack after fortify and limit of the units according to the lego pieces size (territories).
Lots of fun! :D
*P.S. after 2 years of my first review, and now that I have often played on the bigger boards (20x20, 25x25), I would like to add that on these some more calculations are needed, games can become longer but everything is even more PERFECT!!!
#6 of 12
Mon 18th Apr 20:57
New World Order rated  Perfect
The colours are BEAUTIFUL!!! And so many! You will want to play many times just to choose and stare at them mesmerized!
The US map is cleverly sliced, the borders are designed aesthetically and strategically.
Return to attack after placement is on and, in the end, 2 connected fortifies are also perfect!
Cards starting with only 2 reserves and increasing rapidly are a nice and unique contrast!
I've tried all types of fog (except total) and all are very suitable.
This board can be powerfully explosive! Great fun! Perfect!
#5 of 12
Tue 11th May 00:57
Risk of Thrones rated  Bad
I am sure this could be one of the most popular boards of the site! It has some very interesting and even clever ideas. It is a pity there are so many flaws. It could become much better after a thorough review.
#4 of 12
Fri 20th Dec 23:29
King of the Mountains rated  Perfect
One of my favourite boards. It triggers imagination! We can really feel like scalating rocks in a very unique scenario. No continents, just picking territories and going up the hill. Gravity works because upper stages of the mountain defend with advantage sided dice against lower stages.
It works fine with Medium Fog, just as recommended by the designer (M57), but Light Fog also fits. Total fog may bring oppressive blindness.
It seems we are in a fresh foggy morning up in the mountains. And when we reach the peak of a mountain we see above the fog. So unique! :D
#3 of 12
Wed 30th Oct 20:10
Bear River rated  Perfect
Very smooth play. Ideal for 3, 4 or 5 players.
Different continents, each one with one tower/castle (except one in the left top corner). Bonuses are fair and balanced.
The differences on dice attacking//defending in some parts are nice (tunnels, towers/castles, bridges) and brings uniqueness to the board.
The landscape recalls a zoo scenario, with caves for happy sleepy bears and fresh water from the river ;)
#2 of 12
Fri 18th Oct 18:24
Europe 1560 rated  Perfect
Big map of Europe with a nice background. Suitable for epic battles.
#1 of 12